Olá Comunidade! Hello Community! 

What's New? 

  • In Solidarity
  • Samba In The Streets continues this week!
  • A whole new month of Community Class started today!
It is long past time for America to remove its knee from the necks of Black Folk.
It is long past time for Black Parents to stop suffering with the inequity of worry.
It is long past time for egregious and guiltless taking of Black Lives to stop.
Where is the accountability? Where is the humanity? Where is the justice?

Viver Brasil is committed to combating Anti-Blackness.
We are committed to creating anti-racist works and dance platforms.
We are committed to collaborating with artists who work with and through a social justice lens.

We celebrate the liberated Blackness that persists and thrives among the African Diaspora in Brazil, in the States and in the world.

Calling on the might of our Ancestors, we denounce violent police and citizen practices that result in the harm or death of Black people.

We demand that the remaining police officers associated with the murder of George Floyd be arrested and convicted.
We demand justice for João Pedro Mattos, the 14 year old Brazilian young man who was deplorably killed in a police raid of his home!
We demand that Ahmaud Arbery's killers be convicted.
We demand justice and convictions for the deaths of countless Black men and women who have been mercilessly slaughtered by racist impulses that sometimes, but not always, dress in uniform.

We demand that the target be removed from the backs of Black People across the globe.



Our Samba in the Streets project has been inspired by the Bahian Bloco Afro Movement which affirms the ideologies of social justice, racial, social and economic equity through the inclusionary Afro-Brazilian cultural practices of dance and music!  We honor the ancestral wisdom of the orixa dance and rhythms which informed the new contemporary dance forms called bloco afro or samba reggae.   
Workshops this Wednesday feature VB guest artist from Brazil Guellwar (Orixa song) and our own Shelby Williams-Gonzalez (dance).

*These FREE workshops have something for everyone - novice and experienced alike!*  

Percussion/Song: 5pm - 5:45pm on IG (@viverbrasildance)  
6pm - 6:45pm (on Zoom)

How do I join?

For percussion: follow viverbrasildance on Instagram and catch our live story at 5pm on Wednesday! 

For dance: Click the button below to register and receive a confirmation email with the link to our FREE workshops!

Click Here To Register for SITS Dance Workshops

Diaspora Dance Exploration this Month!

Join us ALL MONTH for a month of exploring different diasporic dances, from West African to Cuban Orixa movement, we'll have VB teaching artists from around the country. 

We started tonight with Jahanna Blunt teaching Mama Ya from Guinea, West Africa.  The rest of the month is filled with glorious company teachers as well:

June 8 - Ajah Muhammed teaching Oxumare - The Serpent and The Rainbow

June 15 - Bianca Medina shares her Modern perspective on Orixa movement

June 22 - Vera Passos and Laroye Aña (Indira) will explore the relationship between the manifestations of the Orixa/Orisha in Brasil and Cuba!

June 29 - We return to Brazil with a riveting Dança Afro with Tatiana Campell

Since VB transitioned to online classes we have reached dancers all over the US and communities in 17 countries, 30 states, and 219 zip codes in California!
Join our global community every Monday night 
at 6:30pm! 
**The community class is going to remain at 6:30pm PST until we are back in person.**

From wherever you are in the world, you are invited to join us for another Virtual Dance Class.  

Every Monday in 2020
6:30 to 8 pm PST

Click here to register and receive a confirmation email with the link to our virtual Community dance class!


We have received many requests about making donations to Viver Brasil.  We are a 501(c)3 organizations to which tax-deductible donations can be made at any time.  Donations support our community and arts programming!  Please visit viverbrasil.com/support (or click the button below) to donate.

Please visit
viverbrasil.com/support  (or click the button below) to donate.
I Want to Give Today!

Obrigado! Thank you!
Copyright © 2018 Viver Brasil Dance Company, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
2141 N Gower St.
Los Angeles, CA 90068

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